可怜的这个 blog 啊,我这学期还真忙,害得它久久未更新,更可怜一些读者来了却没东西看。
Sunday, March 29, 2009
可怜的这个 blog 啊,我这学期还真忙,害得它久久未更新,更可怜一些读者来了却没东西看。
Lol Wen Shin!! I had forgotten that you have a blog, until i saw your name on PM's blog, which i happened to find a while ago as welll >__<
Yes, i'm bored now, couldn't sleep, and hence explained my time of commenting actually.
And i juz realized that my layout is an exact replica as yours =.= haha, great mind think alike ehh? >___< If only i did find your blog earlier, wouldn't have used it...
gomen gomen~~
As for now...i'm sticking to it...lazy to edit...kekeke~~~
Sorry for the unintentional plagiarism~~~ =)
I think i should write something related to comp maintenance too as well? =)
你确实也太久为更新了。。。。还以为你把这里给荒废掉了。。。呵呵 =)