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我今天给电脑吓个半死 。。。开电脑时,login后整个荧幕黑黑的,只看得见一个白白的cursor,按Power button 也不肯关机, 真吓人。因为我仔细想一想,又没安装什么新软件,又没 delete 什么 Registry 或 重要的档案,我也有信心没中病毒,所以干嘛啊。

没办法,只好按久久 Power button 让它自动关机,开机时电脑问要 Boot into Safe Mode 或Boot Windows Regularly,就进 Safe Mode,一边希望可以顺利登入。幸好很顺利。进了之后,选System Restore, 发现我昨天关机时安装了最新的 Update. 所以就叫它 Restore to Previous Session,Undo 掉那一个 Update.


结果。。。成功了! 我成功开机了!Woohoo! XD

所以。。。The moral of this story is:

  1. 不能登入时请时进入 Safe Mode
  2. 系统有问题时用System Restore, 它可能可以 Undo 掉那问题
  3. 还有。。。经常 Update 是一件好事,但最新的 Update 有时候有些问题会害你,所以也不用太急着 Update。我记得 Vista Service Pack1 刚推出时,还害到很多人关不到机 (或者是 Hibernate, 我不是记得很清楚)。


后记:我还是不知道那是什么 Update 以及为什么会有这个问题,但是今天不敢 Update 就是了:P

p/s: 感谢各位读者的支持,我知道下一篇应是关于 RSS 的,但就是很懒得动笔,再多等一些吧, Your patience will be rewarded :P 会用 RSS 的就先加我的 Blog 吧,以应付我这稀少得不得了的 posting schedule.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

8 Responses to "吓一跳记"

Unknown Says :
May 11, 2009 at 2:54 AM

Guess ppl like us are damn confident bout virus infection ehh? hehe. Updates results in you not able to boot your comp...? Hmm...i am curious now...btw what OS are you using? =)

ws Says :
May 12, 2009 at 9:39 PM

Windows Vista SP1, I forgot to mention :P

About virus...heheh, I just updated my antivirus recently, have a firewall that keeps annoying me with decisions, and a watchdog (WinPatrol). Not to mention I didn't connect anyone's pendrive to my comp, or visit risky sites. So yeah, I'm confident XD. Though I wasn't really 100% sure until the system restore worked ^^'

As for you...if you kena virus I'd be so surprised XD

Unknown Says :
May 14, 2009 at 5:56 PM

hahhaha~~~was damn confident that my comp will be safe even though i off ALL the real time protection. ahahahaha!! Learn a lesson through the hard way. But apparently its a problem with my boot sector, so i'm not sure where go wrong >__<

Wo Su Shyan Says :
May 15, 2009 at 11:35 PM

Hmm... Well you cant really always restore you computer.I heard from my fren that restoring for windows will cause you to lost 3% of hard disk memory for NOTHING! (if you have 40GB of Hard disk storage, 3% means u will lost 1.2GB of storage. So what if you have 250GB?)
It happens in XP, i'm not sure with vista. Hope you are lucky that you don't lose any storage space :P
(P.S: I'm anti-vista, waiting to use windows 7)

Unknown Says :
May 17, 2009 at 6:43 PM

I have just reformatted to XP, so i'm gonna try system restore. I wanna try if i can recover the lost hard disk space, since i have learnt some rather useful techniques.

And Windows 7 rocks =) I manage to backup my data even though i crashed my Windows 7 beta build 7055 (its my own problem, nothing wrong with Windows 7). I can't even login to safe mode, but they have a virtual drive set aside during installtion, which boots into a recovery mode where you can run system restore, image-rollback, COMMAND PROMPT, status repair and i forgot the last one.

Best thing is i can access regedit.exe from command prompt, which from there i can browse through the whole directory in WINDOWs console, not line-based command =)

ws Says :
May 18, 2009 at 9:08 PM

ooo image rollback, I want~
Hm, the 3%, is it from the C:\ drive? or the whole HDD?
I'll try to check later...dunno if I know how to find out ^^'

Unknown Says :
May 21, 2009 at 6:45 PM This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown Says :
May 21, 2009 at 6:46 PM

Not sure yet. But the internet makes me seems like its from the hard disk. They mentioned that they have to check the virtual drive to see and recover it >__< Strange strange.

Neway, my hard disk crashed. Officially. Its unusable nemore. T__T

Thank god my 750 gb is still ok...=)

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